Wednesday, February 27, 2008


A few rainy, cloudy days before the sun broke through and i tested the strength of my all-natural, paraben-free failed, miserably. Despite slathering it on from the predawn hours, I got the worst sunburn i think i have ever had in my life. it hurt to move, mostly my stomach and front of arms, even my stomach muscles hurt! i didn't know that was possible, to burn one's muscles, but now i am a firm believer...

two days hence and two tubes of aloe vera gel, later, i can move and eat again, and am heading up North tonight for some more stifling hot, humid weather, this time sans the cooling ocean breezes...and what made me think that coming to Thailand in February was better than in December? I'm not complaining, really, just enjoying the massive display of overlypriced, but highly valuable used books, 20 baht Phad Thai cooked to order on the street, and the lack of anything in particular to do at any particular time (except, of course, getting to the bus on time!)...

blessings, and if anyone wishes a postcard, send thy address hence!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'd love a postcard! I blog at and

313-700 Gitzel St
Yellowknife NT
X1A 2R5

Look after that sunburn!